The Mohican Test

***A Mixed (Numerical/spatial/logical) High-range test***

Test is designed by: Christian Backlund aka: Zolly Darko @ since 20/11/2024.
There is no time-limit. Pencil, paper and calculator is allowed.
No discussing test items with others or posting your solutions elsewhere.
A fee of 10€ must also be sent to my paypal= [email protected] for correcting the test.
Second submission is also a fee of 10€.

Write down your answers using this TEXT-FILE to copy&paste into the mail.
Send your solutions to [email protected] with mail subject "Mohican Test answers."
Do not send your solutions in a image-file or any kind of document file but paste them directly into the mail.

It is highly recommended that you work at least a few hours on the test.
The test consist of 27 numerical/spatial and logical items. Test items are not in difficulty order.
Test is culture fair and Key corrected to be fair with all testees.

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