Pass The IQ Test

A free & untimed low range test by Christian Backlund aka: Zolly Darko.

TEST RULES: No timelimit (1 hour is recommended.) Pencil, paper and a pocket calculator is allowed. No discussing test items with others or posting your solutions elsewhere. Do not try the test more than twice for most accurate IQ results. Wait a few weeks before you try the test again.

This is a mixed test that measures logical thinking and problem solving. The education/knowledge required for this test is not demanding. If you have comments about the test or your result feel free to use the Forum of my website.

This test measures your IQ (sd15) up to 145. (Norm updated: 21-04-2024.)

Good luck and enjoy!

The test begins here:

#1 If DAMAGE is to DMG then POWER is to?

Your solution:
#2 If EARTH is to SUN then MOON is to?

Your solution:
#3 xooxxx,oooox, ____, ooo, oo, o

Your solution:
#4 12, 34, 56, 78, _____, 1112

Your solution:
#5 2160, 360, 72, 18, 6, ___

Your solution:
#6 3, 8, 23, 68, 203, ______

Your solution:

Your solution:

Your solution:

Your solution:
#10 5 = 46, 3 = 24, 12 = 1113, 20 = ________

Your solution:
#11 6 = 3612, 2 = 44, 11 = 12122, 7 = ________

Your solution:
#12 1R8, 0E5, 2W3, 1S9, 1N4, ____

Your solution:

Your solution:

Your solution:

Your solution:

Note: Make sure you're done with the test before clicking the Submit button!

The norm is still very theoretical.
Last updated: 21/4/2024.

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